This ONE is the first in a proposed series of publications that seek to offer a visual response
to key debates within contemporary photographic discourse.
The remit for the group's first four zine publications is to respond to ideas surrounding
indexicality in relation to its performative dimension, as something that is pointed at. The
reimagining of Barthes' 'that has been' towards a less melancholic 'this here now' or even
simply 'this', suggesting an eternal present, serves as the main point of departure here.
These ideas are drawn from two key texts; 'Marking Time, Photography Film and
Temporalities of the Image' and 'From Presence to the Performative: Rethinking
Photographic Indexicality', both by David Green and Joanna Lowry.
THIS2 is the second zine publication from This Photography Research Group.
It follows the ambition to establish a group identity through collaborative process and endeavour. It continues where the first zine left off; further extending the range and scope of collaboration through the inclusion of new group members and an evolving, instinctive and iterative approach to production.
Through the interaction of a range of distinct and established photographic practices the group aims to offer a unique and idiosyncratic perspective on the medium of photography. It continues to follow the conviction that photography's indexicality is as much about the act of pointing as it is about registering traces. This2 is therefore a positive affirmation of the here and now and of the creative act.
Try THIS is our third zine and the first to be individually themed, curated and designed by a member of the group.
Tri This is curated by Jonathan Baggaley and based on Kodak Tri X black and white film stock.The project was conceived and executed during the second covid lockdown. The group were each sent a roll of Kodak Tri X film and asked to produce and submit work in response. A broad spectrum of responses was encouraged ranging from considerations of the physical and chemical properties of the film to its historical and cultural significance. The form of these responses was also not prescribed nor limited to the photographic. The zine was designed and sequenced from the submissions received.
'This' is a research group operating from the photography department at The University of Portsmouth.
Photographic research often highlights important social and cultural issues, and can make these issues visible in particular and distinct ways. This research group was established to generate discussions, collaborations and new creative projects that explore and engage with practice-based research in photography.
Our research in photography covers a myriad of topics, largely determined by the interests of the artist, their object of enquiry and their working methodology. The scope of this research group is varied and diverse but is broadly concerned with the photographic image in its expanded field.
There's also a large and ever-increasing body of theory associated with photography itself, its histories and practices – and our photographic research engages this material visually at the level of practice and theoretically in determining how this practice engages with the world.
Members of this group regularly participate in national and international exhibitions. The dissemination of research also takes the form of workshops, publications and participation and organisation of symposia and conferences.
The members of the group are
Jonathan Baggaley,
Roel Paredaens,
Leslie Hakim-Dowek,
Richard Kolker,
Dana Ariel,
James Allen,
Peter Ainsworth and
Judy Harrison.
University of Portsmouth- THIS research group page